Increased Visibility of Document Requirements

Feb 5, 2020

Starting on February 20th, when documents are required for a listing, those requirements will be clearer in Flexmls. 

When Will It Change
These updates will be available on February 20, 2020. 

What Will Change
Previously, the Change Listing page and Change Incomplete Listing page did not indicate whether required documents had been uploaded. In addition, the Documents page for a listing showed which documents had already been uploaded, but it was not clear which documents were required, and whether document requirements had been met.

With this change, on the Change Listing page and Change Incomplete Listing page, a green checkmark will be displayed when all required documents have been uploaded to a listing. A red ”Required” label will be displayed when document requirements have not yet been met.

On the Documents page for a listing, the required documents will be displayed at the bottom of the left panel. Green checkmarks will be displayed next to required documents that have already been uploaded.

Why Are We Making These Changes
You’ve told us that it can be difficult to determine whether the required documents have been uploaded for a listing. We’re making these changes to make it easier for members to upload the appropriate documents and comply with MLS rules.