*This feature is now part of the Comparable Search in Quick Launch. Learn more here.*
Want easier access to nearby listings for a specific address? You can now quickly perform a ¼ mile radius search in Quick Launch on Flexmls desktop.
When Will it Change?
This update will be available on July 28, 2022.
What Will Change?
Quick Launch searching now includes a ¼ mile radius search results. Simply type an address you want to search in the Quick Launch bar and select that address in the “¼ Mile Radius Search” section in the drop-down menu. Selecting the address you want to search will display a list of search results within a ¼ mile radius of that address, filtered by listing statuses defaulted by your MLS.
Begin typing an address and select the address you want to use to perform a ¼ mile radius search.
Your radius search is automatically drawn with your MLS’s default statuses selected. You can then continue to filter your search results.
Select the List tab to see all results from your search.